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5 Questions Every First Time Home Buyer Should Ask Their Home Builder
Buying your first home is an exciting time for anyone, but it can also be intimidating. All the forms and paperwork, banking and lawyers involved in home buying in Calgary can become confusing, uncharted territory for a first time home buyer. Working with a builder to build a home from the ground up can add even more unexpected decisions to the mix, but don’t worry, your builder has been through this process many times before and they can be a helpful resource to any young home owner.
Here are five common questions you should always discuss with your home builder.
- Who will oversee my project?
- Do you have a warranty program?
- Can I visit my new home while it’s under construction?
- What are typical new home build timelines?
- Should my lawyer look at any construction contracts before I sign them?
1. Who will oversee my project?
All residential construction sites have managers who oversee every project, though their titles may vary. For some builders, your primary contact and the person overseeing the project will be the same. Other builders divide those roles between a manager who focuses on the construction project and a manager who focuses on answering your questions and supporting you as the customer. However your builder organizes this work, you will have one clear, primary contact who will keep you up to date on everything.

This blog post by Shane Homes, a duplex builder in Wolf Willow, provides an overview of their home building process from start to finish. You’ll notice the Area Manager will act as the buyer’s contact for most of the journey, offering insight and support throughout the building project.
2. Do you have a warranty program?
All new homes built in Alberta after 2014 are automatically covered by the provincial New Home Warranty. You can learn more about your coverage on the provincial government website.
On top of this, your builder may offer additional warranty coverage. For example, Wolf Willow builder Jayman BUILT offers a warranty program that includes 24-hour emergency service if you experience sudden emergencies like loss of heat or water, among other benefits. Each builder offers different services for ensuring your home continues to be safe and efficient after you move in, so be sure to ask your builder about these services before making your final decision.
3. Can I visit my new home while it’s under construction?
Generally, as a home buyer, you will not be required to spend much time at your new home building site. The amount of time you are allowed to or expected to be present at the site depends on your builder. Morrison Homes, another Wolf Willow builder, enthusiastically encourages site visits. Other builders will only allow for a few, pre-scheduled visits to the site for inspection at key points in construction.

No matter who your builder is though, it’s important to contact them ahead of any visit you’d like to take. Surprise visits can be a safety concern and delay construction, resulting in a longer wait for you. By contacting your builder ahead of time, they can schedule your visit for a date and time that will give you the most access possible and minimize interruption to your building schedule. This also gives the team time to ensure the site is safe for you to visit.
4. What are typical new home build timelines?
Wolf Willow builder, WestCreek Homes, details their home building process from start to end on their website. Their 5 step process helps minimize the stress of building your new home by promoting clarity through communication.
Your building timeline will typically vary by builder, home model (condo, duplex, move-up, etc), availability of materials, and level of customization in your new home. A smaller home might be done within 3-4 months, whereas a larger and highly personalized home could be closer to 9 months. As long as you keep an open line of communication with your builder contact, you can stay up to date on your development timeline.
If you’re interested in purchasing a new home but don’t want to wait several months for it to be built, you can explore Quick Possession homes. These are new homes pre-built by Wolf Willow builders and made available for sale as is, so you can simply move in and get settled. This is a great option for anyone buying their first home who prioritizes the speed of the process.

5. Should my lawyer look at any construction contracts before I sign them?
Having a lawyer review any contract before you sign is generally good practice, and that is especially true for a contract as important as this. A lawyer can help you understand any terms that may be new to you and represent your interests as a home buyer.
Alberta law firm Heritage Law Offices in Edmonton has a helpful blog post that describes how a lawyer can help you navigate your contract.
Contracts also can also differ depending on where you build. While all property owners are responsible for maintaining their property, some communities have specific agreements on what your home and lawn should look like. Builders may also offer incentives for you to choose them, such as the Trico with their Trico Red Card Rewards program. This is another reason to consider having a lawyer review everything before you sign a contract—they can help make sure your transition to a new home and/or new neighbourhood goes smoothly.
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