Tag: wolf willow community

A concrete sign of the Wolf Willow logo in Promenade Park.

Wolf Willow Community: Spring 2022 Updates

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Happy March! With spring on our doorstep, things are about to get very exciting here in the community. As the snow starts to melt, construction in Wolf Willow will pick up. Here’s what you can look forward to developing over the next few months. Wolf Willow Community Parks and Playgrounds We are excited to announce […]

An illustration of an osprey flying in an orange sky.

Wolf Willow Osprey Park Opening

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Join us for an afternoon of family fun! We are excited to announce the completion of Wolf Willow’s first themed playground, Osprey Park! As you may or may not know, all of Wolf Willow’s playground’s themes are centred on local wildlife and history. Osprey Park is inspired by the osprey, a bird of prey, found […]