Live, Work, and Play in Wolf Willow

The Bow River Valley has always been a breathtaking and inspiring place to walk, boat, fish and explore. Now it’s an amazing place to live, play, raise a family, and revel in whatever it is that makes you feel alive. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and smells of nature while enjoying all the conveniences of urban living.

Hover over icons to learn more about what is within the Wolf Willow community

An illustrated map of Wolf Willow and the Bow River.
An illustrated map of Wolf Willow with icons for each park and school.

Community Amenities

An icon indicating a future commercial development.
Future Commercial Development
Icon indicating the Blue Devil Golf Course near Wolf Willow.
Blue Devil Golf Course
An icon indicating the future Wolf Willow dog park.
Future Dog Park
The Osprey Park playground with birds' nest and slide features.
Osprey Themed Park Area
An icon indicating the Fish Park themed park and playground.
Fish Themed Park Area With access to Fish Creek Park
An icon indicating the Deer Park themed park and playground.
Deer Themed Park Area
An icon indicating the Flower Park themed park and playground.
Flower Themed Park Area
An icon indicating the Wolf Park themed park and playground.
Wolf Themed Park Area
An icon indicating a future school development.
Future School
Future Natural Park & Trails icon
Future Natural Park & Trails
An icon indicating the Insect Park themed park and playground.
Insect Themed Park Area With access to Environmental Reserve & Bow River
An icon indicating the Ranch Park themed park and playground.
Ranch Themed Park Area
Icon of a playground and bison head indicating the Bison Park.
Bison Themed Park Area With access to Environmental Reserve & Bow River


CBE CCSD Private

Designated Schools

Special Programs Schools

An orange icon indicating a public school location.
= Public Schools
A grey icon indicating Catholic school locations near Wolf Willow.
= Catholic Schools
An icon of a school on a green background indicating a Private School.
= Private Schools

*Subject to change. Please contact your appropriate school board directly to confirm designation and enrollment.

For more information:




Child Care



Rec Centres

Parks & Golf Courses

Health Care



Woof Willow Dog Park

Woof Willow Dog Park Now Open

Bring your furry friend to South Calgary’s new 9-acre off-leash dog park with agility equipment for hours of scenic play.
Learn more.

The Osprey Park playground with birds' nest and slide features.

Help their Imagination Soar

High in the osprey nest, your kids’ imaginations will take to the skies.

Aerial view of Wolf Willow overlooking Fish Creek Park

Outdoor Living at its Finest

Discover everything from here to there. Including 2 schools, 10 parks, 7 playgrounds, 1 dog park and a central promenade, all nestled along the Bow River.

The Promenade Park walkway with metal arches.

River Around the Corner

This 15-metre wide promenade park will extend from the condos at Bow360 to the Bow River, eventually connecting residents to Fish Creek Provincial Park.

Pathways of Fish Creek Park from Wolf Willow

Pathways to Healthy Living

9 kilometres of pathways will span all of Wolf Willow. It’s perfect for a refreshing run, an afternoon adventure with your dog or a leisurely walk with the family.

Crystie's Coffee House & Bistro

Wolf Willow Crossing Retail Now Open

Crystie’s Coffee House & Bistro, 1st Class Preschool, Papa Murphy’s Pizza, TopNotch Barber Shop, Studio 17 Dance Company, Wolf Willow Dental, a liquor store and more.